David Fox
Douglas Henry State Museum Commission
David A. Fox has spent more than 35 years in the financial markets and financial media, starting in 1983 as a floor trader at the Chicago Board of Trade. He later was a journalist for The Tennessean and Bloomberg, before
co-founding Nashville Post Co. in 1999. In 2005, he was named the Nashville
director of Titan Advisors, a hedge fund management firm, from which he
resigned in 2014 to launch a campaign for mayor of Nashville. Since 2016, he
has continued his career as a financial markets trader. He was elected to the
Metro Nashville Board of Education in 2006 and served as its chairman in
2008-2010. He has served on various civic boards, including the Nashville
Public Education Foundation, the Foundation for Athletics in Nashville Schools,
and the Nashville chapter of the American Parkinson Disease Association. Mr.
Fox is the current president of the board of the Tennessee Historical Society.
A fifth-generation Nashvillian, Mr. Fox graduated from Montgomery Bell Academy and the University of Virginia with a B.S. in Commerce. He lives in Nashville with his wife, Carrington Fox, and their three school-age sons: Oscar, Julius and Simon.