Open House for Expanded Bradley County Health Department Dental Clinic

Monday, April 03, 2017 | 04:06pm

NASHVILLE – Tennessee Health Commissioner John Dreyzehner, MD, MPH, will join other state and local officials Tuesday, April 4, at the open house in recognition of the newly-expanded Bradley County Health Department Dental Clinic in Cleveland.

The Bradley County Health Department Dental Clinic provides comprehensive dental care for children and targeted populations of uninsured adults. Services are offered on a sliding fee scale based on income. The state-of-the-art clinic now has three dental chairs and is staffed by a full-time dentist and dental assistant.

Who:                                John Dreyzehner, MD, MPH, Commissioner, Tennessee Department of Health

                                          Leslie Humphreys, MPA, Assistant Commissioner for Community Health Services, TDH

                                          Richard Long, Regional and Local Health Director, TDH

                                          Veran Fairrow, DDS, Oral Health Services Director, TDH

                                          Glenn Czarnecki, Southeast Regional Health Director, TDH

                                         Eloise Waters, Bradley County Health Department Director, TDH

                                         Gary Davis, Bradley County Mayor

                                         Tom Rowland, Cleveland Mayor


What:                            Open house at the Bradley County Health Department Dental Clinic


When:                           Tuesday, April 4, 1:00 p.m., EDT


Where:                       201 Dooley St. SE Cleveland, TN 37311