Frequently Asked Questions
1.What are the hours of operation for the board administrators?
8am-4:30 pm central standard time.
2.How should I contact the board administrators?
The administrators can be reached at 615-741-5735 or by email
3. What do I do if I’ve forgotten my user id and/or password?
If you have previously created an account in this licensure system, but cannot recall your Username and/or password, please click the appropriate Forgot Password or Forgot User ID link to recover your account credentials.
If you have forgotten or do know the email address used to create your account, you can contact the board administrators at 615-741-5735 local or 800-778-4123 nationwide, or email to update or retrieve your email address.
4.If I am from another state, can I treat clients in Tennessee?
A provider must be licensed in the state of Tennessee to provide treatment to a client in Tennessee or operated in a free clinic environment.
5.If I am from another state, can I provide Telehealth services to a client in Tennessee.
Unless in a free clinic environment, the provider must be licensed in Tennessee, and the client must be in Tennessee.