National Programs
In partnership with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention the Tennessee Department of Health Foodborne and Enteric Disease Program is funded to participate in various national food safety initiatives that help public health professionals and communities understand trends in foodborne illness and develop improved methods to detect and investigate foodborne outbreaks.
To learn more follow the links below.
Other National Programs
National Antimicrobial Resistance Monitoring System for Enteric Bacteria (NARMS) - This national public health surveillance system tracks changes in the antimicrobial susceptibility of certain enteric (intestinal) bacteria found in ill people (CDC), retail meats (FDA), and food animals (USDA) in the United States. The NARMS program at CDC helps protect public health by providing information about emerging bacterial resistance, the ways in which resistance is spread, and how resistant infections differ from susceptible infections. To learn more click here.
National Respiratory and Enteric Virus Surveillance System (NREVSS) - This national laboratory-based system monitors patterns of respiratory and enteric viruses. Participating U.S. laboratories voluntarily report weekly to CDC the total number of weekly aggregate tests performed to detect there viruses and the aggregate positive tests. NREVSS allows for timely analysis of data to monitor viral seasons and circulation patterns. To learn more click here.