BEAD Program
About BEAD
The Broadband, Equity, Access and Deployment (BEAD) Program is a federal initiative administered by the National Telecommunications and Information Adminstration (NTIA). Through this program, Tennessee has been given $813,319,680.22 to expand high-speed internet access through infrastructure and adoption programs.
Interested in Applying for BEAD?
Please keep up to date with this webpage as updates will be published here.
Counties eligible for BEAD funding have been divided into a maximum of three Project Areas Units (PAUs) based on the final set of eligible Broadband Serviceable Locations (BSLs). Project areas encompass unserved and underserved locations. At the time of application, applicants must commit to serve 100% of eligible BSLs in identified project areas.
BEAD Subgrantee Selection Map
We encourage all BEAD applicants to view Tennessee’s final Subgrantee Selection Map. This displays the grant application Project Area Units (PAUs) with final BSL eligibility approved by NTIA.
The BEAD eligible location file can be downloaded here
Key Dates

To be eligible for BEAD funding, applicants must have submitted a Letter of Intent and meet the eligibility requirements of the Qualification Application. The Tennessee ECD Broadband Office is currently conducting reviews of all submitted Qualification Applications.
The BEAD Grant Application window will take place in 2025. Please expect further information once exact dates are determined. In the meantime, ECD recommends that applicants leverage the BEAD Grant application document published under TN BEAD Program Materials to begin preparing for the application launch.
Register for our Upcoming Office Hours
ECD will announce a BEAD Grant Application Office Hour soon. Each office hour will include a review of FAQs and opportunities for Q&A.
BEAD Challenge Process
Tennessee conducted the BEAD Challenge Process in the spring and summer of 2024. Please find the BEAD eligibility data and map above.