Epidemiology and Surveillance Data
Effective January 1st, 2025, healthcare providers and laboratories will no longer be required to report COVID-19 test results. Healthcare providers will be required to report COVID-19-associated deaths in persons <18 years old and any suspected outbreaks of COVID-19. This change is being made as part of the annual updates to the Tennessee List of Reportable Diseases and Conditions and aligns with Tennessee’s move toward pan-respiratory surveillance and response. Additional information can be reviewed on the Reportable Diseases website (www.tn.gov/health/cedep/reportable-diseases.html).
COVID-19 laboratory and illness data from 2020-2024 will remain available online. Updates to COVID-19 dashboards will end after January 15th, 2025 and PDF reports of these dashboards will be made available. Downloadable datasets will be consolidated and made available in mid-January. If additional data are needed, they can be requested through the TDH data request process. Information on data requests can be found here: www.tn.gov/health/health-program-areas/statistics.html.
Review Respiratory Virus Trends

View current respiratory virus trends for COVID-19, RSV, and influenza at https://www.tn.gov/health/ceds-weeklyreports/respiratory-trends.html
Review Historical COVID-19 Data

Access the final COVID-19 dashboards containing data through January 11, 2025:
Multi-System Inflammatory Syndrome in Children

Download summary COVID-19 data from 2020-2024:
Data Dictionary - use this file to access more information about the format and contents of each of the datasets
Statewide Cases and Outcomes by Age - case counts, hospitalizations, and deaths by 10-year age groups by week for all of Tennessee
Statewide Cases and Outcomes by Race, Ethnicity, and Sex - cases by race, ethnicity, and sex by week for all of Tennessee
County Cases - cases, hospitalizations, and deaths by week for each county in Tennessee

Review COVID-19 Annual Reports from 2020-2022. These reports summarize the key metrics tracked by the Tennessee Department of Health during the pandemic response, including infections, disease severity, vaccination, cluster response and data for specific populations by year.