Legal Secretary

The Tennessee Attorney General and Reporter represents all State executives, officials, departments, boards, agencies, and commissions in matters arising from their public duties. Such representation includes participation in litigation, transactional matters, and giving day-to-day legal advice to a wide variety of State entities. The Attorney General's Office employs approximately 200 attorneys organized into 17 legal divisions within 5 sections.

Job Overview:

The successful candidate will perform the duties listed below:

  • Acquire and organize electronic and written documents
  • Create notebooks and spreadsheets
  • Organize and maintain large case files
  • Draft letters and reports
  • Review and edit documents, charts and diagrams
  • Monitoring cases of note in other jurisdictions
  • Research legal issues that are in litigation
  • Proof pleadings and motions, including citations
  • Maintain calendar
  • Other duties as assigned

The ideal candidate will have the following qualifications:

  • Excellent skills in analysis, organization, research, writing, and communication
  • Proficiency in information systems including Word, Access, Excel, Westlaw and Lexis.


Applications can be submitted via our online application portal.  Please direct questions to

Pursuant to the State of Tennessee’s Workplace Discrimination and Harassment policy, the State is firmly committed to the principle of fair and equal employment opportunities for its citizens and strives to protect the rights and opportunities of all people to seek, obtain, and hold employment without being subjected to illegal discrimination and harassment in the workplace. It is the State’s policy to provide an environment free of discrimination and harassment of an individual because of that person’s race, color, national origin, age (40 and over), sex, pregnancy, religion, creed, disability, veteran’s status, or any other category protected by state and/or federal civil rights laws. Offers for this position will be contingent upon a satisfactory criminal history check.