Articulation and Transfer

The Tennessee Higher Education Commission (THEC) has many statewide initiatives related to articulation and transfer.  Here, you’ll find valuable information on the Tennessee Reverse Transfer, Tennessee Transfer Pathways, and other resources. Also listed are the leaders who collaborate and design these programs at the colleges and universities throughout the state.Please review tabs below for relevant information related articulation and transfer.

2024 Tranfer GenEd Convening Flyer - 1

The Articulation & Transfer (A&T) Council is necessary to fulfill the requirements in Tennessee Code Annotated § 49-7-202 (r)(1-5) related to articulation and transfer initiatives.  The current composition of the A&T Council consists of the chief academic officers from the Tennessee Higher Education Commission, Tennessee Board of Regents, University of Tennessee System Office, Tennessee Independent Colleges and Universities Association, Locally Governed Institutions, and University of Tennessee campuses.

The 2020-2025 Articulation and Transfer Council has developed four subcommittees to support the work of: (1) Tennessee Transfer Pathways; (2) Technical Tennessee Transfer Pathways; (3) Common Course Numbering; and (4) Reverse Transfer. Subcommittee membership represents the various roles from across different entities on the Council.


The Transfer Initiative listserv is a discussion list intended for Tennessee higher education staff, faculty, and administrators interested in:

  1. Sharing ideas, resources and best practices pertaining to articulation and transfer,
  2. Distributing campus, state, and national events and opportunities related to articulation and transfer--feel free to use this list to invite colleagues across the state to participate,
  3. Soliciting feedback and guidance related issues from colleagues at neighboring institutions.

To ensure relevance and manage listserv traffic, please follow the guidelines below:

  • Posts to the list should fall within one or more of the three categories above.
  • When starting a new post, choose a clear and concise subject line that describes the topic.
  • When replying to posts, please only respond to the group if the response is relevant to the group. Otherwise, respond to the sender.
  • Generally speaking, posts should deal with one topic at a time.
  • If you are seeking some sort of general information, like recommendations or how-tos, volunteer to gather all the responses, recommend that others contact you directly, and then summarize the responses for the list. This will help keep list traffic more manageable.
  • Include an email signature with your first and last name so that others know who you are.

Upcoming Events

October 30, 2024
Transfer & GenEd Convening
312 Rosa L. Parks Blvd
Nashville, TN

Past Events

March 5, 2024
West TN Grand Division Meeting
University of Memphis
Lambuth Campus
Jackson, TN

March 21, 2024
Middle TN Grand Division Meeting
Nashville State Community College
White Bridge Campus
Nashville, TN

April 11, 2024
East TN Grand Division Meeting
Tennessee College of Applied Technology
Morristown Campus
Morristown, TN



Click here to submit convening feedback!

Click here to access sessions using the email you registered with for the convening.

For questions or assistance related to articulation and transfer please contact: 

Tracy Comer, Ed.D
Director of Articulation and Transfer
Tennessee Higher Education Commission