Ethics Online Training
Pursuant to T.C.A. § 3-6-112, the Tennessee Ethics Commission (Commission) is required to provide an annual ethics course, for supervisory personnel in the executive branch of state government, concerning compliance with the statutes enforced by the Commission. The Commission has determined that the most effective and efficient method of providing this training class is through this web based training program. The training is required to include discussion of relevant statutes, administrative regulations, advisory opinions, current ethical issues and development of problem-solving skills.
The goal of the training program is to explain the ethics statutes in an easy to understand fashion. Please note that the examples used in this training are not meant to be legal advice. After the training, if you have questions concerning a specific situation you are encouraged to contact your agency’s ethics officer or the Commission.
The training consists of two main parts, instructional and an exam. The instructional portion is broken down into several categories: general information on the Commission; seeking advice; prohibitions; gift ban and exceptions; consulting; honorarium; and executive orders. Once you have completed the instructional portion of the training you will take the exam. You can not fail the exam. The exam is meant to re-enforce the instructional portion of the training. You will get instant feedback as you answer each question on the exam.
After you complete the training you will need to print out a certificate of completion. This certificate will be your documentation of completion of the training.