Executive Director

Mary Beth Thomas
Sports Wagering Council
Mary Beth Thomas is the first executive director of the Tennessee Sports Wagering Council.
She was appointed on November 1, 2021, by the Sports Wagering Council, a nine-member body appointed equally from the three grand divisions of the state by the Governor, Lieutenant Governor and Speaker of the House. Prior to becoming executive director, Thomas served as general counsel to the Tennessee Secretary of State for eight years. She also spent eight years in private practice as a litigator for Waller Lansden Dortch and Davis in Nashville (now Holland & Knight).
Thomas is a graduate of the University of Tennessee (B.S., Finance) and the University of Tennessee College of Law
(J.D.). She is a native Nashvillian and a graduate of Harpeth Hall and the Ensworth School.
She serves as a board member for the Nashville Sports Council, the Sports Betting Regulators Association, and the
North American Gaming Regulators Association and is a member of the International Masters of Gaming Lawyers and the Tennessee Bar Association. Mary Beth is married to Russell Thomas and they have three children. Outside of work
she is heavily involved in her community, including serving in numerous volunteer roles with her church and her children’s schools.