April 25, 2024
12:30 pm CDT
This event is being held virtually using Microsoft Teams. Please see the event description at left for a link and information on how to attend.
Tennessee's Opioid Abatement Council is holding an emergency meeting via Microsoft Teams.
Click here to join the meeting
Meeting ID: 243 768 756 201
Passcode: 2qprVT
Download Teams | Join on the web
Call in (audio only)
+1 629-209-4396,,655461815# United States, Nashville
Phone Conference ID: 655 461 815#
The Opioid Abatement Council shall reserve a period for public comment to provide the public with the opportunity to comment on matters that are relevant to the items on the agenda for the meeting. At the appropriate time, the Chair will open the meeting for public comment. Guests attending virtually, shall make their intent to speak known by clicking the “raise your hand” icon located at the top of the Microsoft Teams screen and the Chair will recognize the individual to speak.