East Tennessee Periodontics, Inc. Violates the Tennessee Human Rights Act

Friday, July 19, 2019 | 04:31pm

NASHVILLE, TN (July 19, 2019) – The Tennessee Human Rights Board of Commissioners ruled that East Tennessee Periodontics, Inc. in Knoxville, TN violated the Tennessee Human Rights Act (THRA) and committed unlawful discrimination against an employee at its July 19, 2019 meeting.

The Complainant, Kristi Hayes was terminated from her employment by East Tennessee Periodontics, Inc. The company was found by an administrative law judge to have unlawfully discriminated against Kristi Hayes.  The administrative law judge assigned to the case entered an initial order awarding Kristi Hayes $24,170.00 in damages.  The Commission affirmed the order for East Tennessee Periodontics, Inc. to pay the Complainant.

Hayes complained that she was fired from East Tennessee Periodontics, Inc. because she filed an internal complaint of sexual harassment.  After the internal complaint was filed, Hayes received a text message to not return to work.  It was concluded that Kristi Hayes was retaliated against because she filed a complaint.

The Tennessee Human Rights Commission affirmed and awarded Hayes $24,170.00 in lost wages as a result of the Respondents discrimination.

THRC is an independent state agency, the Commission is responsible for enforcing the Tennessee Human Rights Act and the Tennessee Disability Act which prohibits discrimination based on race, creed, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, age (40 and over in employment), familial status (housing only) and retaliation in employment, housing and public accommodations. To file a complaint of discrimination or to receive additional information, please call 1-800-251-3589 or visit www.tn.gov/humanrights.

The mission of the Tennessee Human Rights Commission is safeguarding individuals from discrimination through education and enforcement.
