Breastfeeding FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the big deal?

It’s the law. Additionally, many mothers are afraid to breastfeed in public because of lack of societal support. The problem is big enough that it keeps many from breastfeeding at all or causes them to end their breastfeeding relationship before the minimum guidelines suggested by the American Academy of Pediatrics.

  • What are the benefits of breastfeeding?

Women who breastfeed have a lower risk of getting breast and ovarian cancers, and their babies are less likely to develop numerous conditions from earaches to diabetes and obesity.

  • What is wrong with asking a mom to move to the restroom or cover up?

It implies the mother and baby are engaging in a shameful or distasteful act when they are simply feeding.

  • Why can’t the mother just bring a bottle or nurse before she leaves home?

Breastfeeding is a complex relationship that can be disrupted by bottle-feeding. Babies often eat on an irregular schedule and it’s important to feed the baby on demand.

  • What about the right of others to not see someone nurse in public, especially while eating?

If breastfeeding offends someone, they may ignore it, turn away, ask to be moved or leave. A nursing mother and baby are not responsible for another person’s comfort level.

  • Are there really that many mothers breastfeeding in public?

Yes. People don’t realize how often babies are breastfed in public because mothers and babies are so skilled at it that it often doesn’t register with others.

  • How should you respond if people do complain?

“I’m sorry you’re uncomfortable. However, that mother is within her legal rights to breastfeed in public.”