Haslam Asks President to Expedite Healthcare Law Appeals

Thursday, February 03, 2011 | 12:30pm

Haslam: We Can’t Afford to Wait
NASHVILLE – Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam today joined other governors in sending a letter to President Barack Obama that asks him to expedite the legal process for the cases regarding the federal healthcare bill.

In the letter, Haslam asked the President to direct those in his Cabinet who are defendants in the suits file appeals quickly and appeal straight to the U.S. Supreme Court.

“Beyond the merits of this issue, the people of our great nation deserve an answer. Our people deserve to know the future of how their state governments will be structured, how their wallets will be affected, and how their choices in health care will be determined,” Haslam wrote.

“While we wait, we lose. We lose time. We lose resources. We lose options,” he added.

“Our people deserve more than uncertainty. They deserve an answer. And, very simply put, Mr. President: our people cannot afford to wait,” Haslam wrote in the letter.

A copy of the letter is attached.