Forms and Publications


Statement of Interest (ss-8004)

T.C.A. §2-10-115 and T.C.A. §2-10-128 require the​

  • Governor
  • General Assembly members
  • Governor’s cabinet members
  • Governor's cabinet level staff members
  • Secretary of State
  • Comptroller of the Treasury
  • Treasurer

to file this form by April 15.

Appointees to these positions must file this form within thirty (30) days of appointment.

To file electronically, go to
To file on paper, mail the completed & witnessed form to our office. Or fax the completed & witnessed form to (615) 532-8905. 

Statement of Interest (ss-8005)

Local elected officials, members of local planning commissions, and certain State officials must file this form by January 31. (T.C.A. §8-50-504)

Appointees to these offices must file this form within 30 days of appointment.  (T.C.A. §8-50-501(b))

Non-incumbent candidates for all state and local elected offices must file this form within thirty (30) days of the qualifying deadline. (T.C.A. §8-50-501(b) and (c))

To file electronically, go to
To file on paper, mail the completed & witnessed form to our office. Or fax the completed & witnessed form to (615) 532-8905. 

Sworn Disclosure of Consulting Services and Campaign Services (ss-8006)

The Disclosure of Consulting Services form is used to report to the Tennessee Ethics Commission those disclosures that are required by T.C.A. §§ 2-10-125 & 126. Effective August 15, 2022, this includes disclosure of contracts relating to both “consulting services” and “campaign services” pursuant to Public Chapter 1087 (2022).

Consulting Services: This form is to be used to disclose contracts by or between any person or entity (other than the state, a county, or a municipality) and:

• Any staff or employee of the general assembly
• Any member of a commission established by and responsible to the general assembly or either house of the general assembly;
• Any member or employee of a state regulatory commission (including, but not limited to, directors of the Tennessee regulatory authority); or
• Any member or employee of any executive department or agency or other state body in the executive branchto pay a fee, commission, or any other form of compensation for consulting services. The term “consulting services” is defined by T.C.A. § 2-10-122, subsections (1) & (2).

Campaign Services: This form is also to be used to disclosed contracts by and between any person or entity (other than the state, a county, or a municipality) and:

• Any member of the general assembly, or,
• A staff person or employee of the general assemblyfor the provision of campaign services to a candidate for state office. The term “campaign services” is defined by T.C.A. §§ 2-10-125(f) and 2-10-126(f).

For more information on when and how to file this form, refer to the Instruction Booklet found here.

Disclosure of Relative Lobbyist (ss-8009)

T.C.A. §2-10-127 requires the

  • Governor
  • General Assembly members (member-elect)
  • Governor’s cabinet members
  • Secretary of State
  • Comptroller of the Treasury
  • Treasurer

to file form ss-8009 by February 1 if a sibling, spouse or child is required to register as a lobbyist.


Disclosure of Out of State Consulting Services (ss-8010)

T.C.A. §2-10-129 and §2-10-130 requires any person that contracts with the state of Tennessee who pays a fee of more than $200 to a

  • Governor
  • General Assembly member
  • Governor’s cabinet member
  • Governor’s cabinet level staff member
  • Secretary of State
  • Comptroller of the Treasury
  • Treasurer
  • Spouse of any of the above

for out-of-state consulting services to file form ss-8010 within 5 days of entering in to such a contract.

Sample Statement of Interests Form for Industrial Development Corporations 

The Ethics Commission does not oversee or enforce the filing of this form. This is meant to be a sample for Industrial Development Corporations to use at thier discretion. 


Executive Branch Manual

Guiding Principles of Ethical Conduct

Close Personal Friend Gift Guidelines

2024 General Assembly Training Manual