LLE License Process
Board for Licensing ContractorsAfter reviewing the information on all types of electrical licensing, see the LLE application package to obtain this license to perform electrical work less than $25,000 in certain municipalities:
The LLE (Limited Licensed Electrician) Licensing Package
- LLE (State) Application [pdf]
- LLE Exam - Candidate Information Bulletin [pdf] (Registration, Rules, and Study Guide Information)
- PSI - Exam Online Registration
- Law, Rules and Regulations
Apply Online! https://core.tn.gov
Complete the online application, attach scanned exam scores, photo-ID, and submit with payment by credit or debit card.
In order to obtain the Limited Licensed Electrician (LLE) license, the LLE trade exam is required. Submit a copy of your passing exam score with your completed LLE License Application, with the two year license fee of $50.00. These license applications may be approved by the Board staff and are not required for full Board approval, unless there is a felony conviction or complaint.
Please allow 5 to 7 business days for the Board office to receive your application. If you hand deliver or express mail, these must be delivered to the Cashier's Office located at our mailing address and it takes approximately two (2) days for the application to be validated and forwarded to our office. The Board office cannot accept fees at their physical location. To check the receipt or issuance of the license, you may check at the "License Search."
LLE Renewal Resource
Forms and tips for renewing are available at: tn.gov/commerce/regboards/lle/lle-renewal-tips
Felony Convictions / Complaints / Judgments
A felony conviction does not automatically preclude someone from licensing, however, it does require the Board's approval. If you have been convicted of a felony in any jurisdiction (Tennessee or any state), you must attach a statement explaining the details of the conviction, supply a copy of the charging document, the disposition and proof of any sentence or court order, and release of probation. Before a license is granted to anyone with a conviction, the Board requires review of the criminal background documents for the complete criminal history and timeline. In addition, if you have had disciplinary action against another professional license or a complaint history you may be required to appear before the Board which meets at least six (6) times annually.
The Board is charged with protecting the safety and welfare of the public and they will judge each individual case on it's own merit. The law requires disclosure of felonies, as well as any court litigation and judgments. A license is not automatically denied due to judgments and convictions, however, failure to disclose is a violation of law and a civil penalty may be assessed for not providing true and correct information, such as the license also being denied or revoked. Consumers or licensees may report known violations to the Board anonymously.
Review the LLE License Law, Rules and Regulation
It is very important to ensure you are knowledgeable with the license laws, rules and regulations. These laws are covered in both the Contractor's law and the Division of Fire Prevention's law. These may be reviewed from our website at the "Laws, Rules and Regulations". Failing to be familiar with the law could cause violations affecting your license. For example, Limited Licensed Electricians (LLE) licensees cannot use the term or advertise as a "Contractor". Never allow another individual to use your license (considered aiding in unlicensed activity). If you perform work in an area regulated by another state agency (such as the Alarm Systems Board), be sure to obtain their required licenses. In addition, a LLE licensee cannot perform work where the total electrical on a project or contract is $25,000 or more; contracts cannot be split into phases to circumvent the contractor licensing law. If you want to be licensed to perform projects $25,000 or more, you'll need to obtain a "Contractor's" license with a CE (electrical) classification. Also, be sure to notify the Board's office of any change in mailing address. When using a P.O. Box for mail, you must also supply a physical address.
Always check with the local municipality for permits and inspections, as well as, for their own electrical license requirements. In areas where there is not a codes office, the state's Fire Marshal performs inspections.
HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning)
Our Board issues licenses for "Contractor's" with a HVAC (CMC-C) classification, however, a state license to perform HVAC work is only required if the project is $25,000 or more. Always check with local government for their licenses, permits and inspections, as each jurisdiction may require a HVAC license and permits, regardless of the amount. Those licensed as a CMC-C contractor are not required to re-test with local government.
For HVAC projects less than $25,000, a licensed electrician is required to perform the electrical wiring and hook ups for HVAC installation; see Rule 0780-02-01-.04 (2) (a).