LLE Renewal Tips
Board for Licensing ContractorsLLE Online Renewal Process
LLE Downloadable Renewal Form [pdf]
- Renew the license before it expires (to prevent working unlicensed); send 30 days prior to expiration.
- To retain renewal rights, must be received within 90 days of the expiration date (this is not a grace period); cannot legally perform work until the license has been renewed and issued.
- Must reinstate the license after expired 90 days or more and may be required to take the LLE exam.
- If the renewal is received by our office past the expiration date, it will not get issued without the late fees.
- Do not photocopy a renewal form with a bar code assigned to another electrician. Doing so will cause fees to be placed in the other licensee's account! You may download an "LLE Renewal Form" from our "Forms and Downloads" link of our website or renew Online
- Mail takes 5 to 7 business days to reach the "Cashier's Office" and is then forwarded to our Board.
- For mailed renewals, report the address change before sending the renewal (licenses are issued automatically upon receipt of fees and address change may not get processed prior to certificate being mailed). State mail is NOT forwarded.
- Check status of renewed license at the "License Search" of our website.
If a license is expired 90 days or more, you cannot renew and must submit a license application for reinstatement with a fee of $80.00 ($50.00 renewal fee and $30.00 late penalty fee). Note: Electrical Registration holders, prior to 1999, were allowed to apply for a license in 2000 without taking an electrical exam. However, if you never took the LLE trade exam and the license has since lapsed more than 90 days, you will be required to take the LLE exam or you may apply for a wavier by completing the waiver of exam request form to have the Board review at their next regularly scheduled meeting (see "Calendar"). Those applications which are complete with exam results attached, experience form, and a copy of identification, such as a driver's license, may be reinstated prior to the Board meeting.
Address Changes
Address changes are not processed from the renewal forms unless online renewal. It is best to fax, e-mail or mail in the address change. State mail is not forwarded, therefore, you may not receive the renewed certificate if issued prior to the change.