Transforming Lives

3XT - TRICOR Transformational Training
TRICOR provides Occupational and Transitional Readiness training for Tennessee’s incarcerated population through job training, professional certification and coaching programs. We take a holistic approach and focus on the individual to ensure they have the skills, confidence, self-esteem and professionalism to successfully reintegrate into society and become self-sufficient, productive citizens. We provide training in multiple industries and guidance on the importance of reliability, work ethic and respect in the workplace. TRICOR employs Transition Coordinators that assist Offenders in finding jobs and social services after they are released. TRICOR is a unique organization that provides programming for the successful re-entry of Offenders both while incarcerated and during post-release, all of which is at no cost to the taxpayers.
Below is an overview of some of our programs to assist offenders with their reintegration back into society:
Offender Success
Developing learning paths that are based on validated practices and matching skills with employer needs is in alignment with TRICOR’s mission to prepare offenders for success after release. TRICOR has uniquely positioned itself across the country as innovative in delivering programming that addresses the development of the entire person. TRICOR programming is continuously evolving; it can be replicated, sustained and improved as the needs of customers change.
Occupational Skills Training
TRICOR had an average of 877 offenders in its Occupational Skills Training Program (OST) during the fiscal year. These offenders learned job skills relevant to current labor market demands, helping them to secure employment post‑release. A total of 1,171,269 hours of Occupational Skills Training was provided to the Offender workforce this fiscal year.
Building Trades and other certifications
TRICOR's Building Trades Program is now located at the Mark Luttrell Reception Center in Memphis, TN. Offenders continue to earn certifications from the National Center of Construction Education and Research (NCCER). These certifications are nationally recognized and enhance offenders’ opportunities for post‑release employment in a profession which has a bright future in the labor market.
Other professional certificates and certifications include Forklift Operation and Live Stock Artificial Insemination (Cattle). TRICOR continues to evaluate additional opportunities for certifications to enhance offenders’ competitiveness in the market place.
Thinking for a Change
Thinking for a Change (T4C) is an evidence based cognitive–behavioral curriculum developed by the National Institute of Corrections (NIC) that concentrates on changing the criminogenic thinking of Offenders. T4C is an integrated program for Offenders that includes cognitive restructuring, social skills development, and problem solving skills. TRICOR has been teaching Thinking for a Change since 2004. Over twenty TRICOR staff members, including the Chief Executive Officer, completed an intensive facilitator training program taught by NIC to become certified to teach the new curriculum, five of which are now certified to train the trainers.
Life Skills
Recognizing that job skills alone are not enough to achieve an Offender’s successful re-integration into the community, TRICOR offers programs focused on living in today’s society. TRICOR’s employment‑based Life Skills curriculum is a strategy to promote the successful reintegration of Offenders back into the community. It offers career assessment/development and emphasizes the behavioral and soft skills needed to obtain and retain employment: resume writing, job search, job interviewing, professional appearance and communication. The curriculum includes certification in the Good Tenant Training Program provided by the Tennessee Housing Development Agency (THDA) and also emphasizes steps to take in release preparation, such as identification reinstatement, family reunification, stable housing, and the appropriate use of community resources.Among other skills, Offenders learn how to cope with stress, deal with common barriers of re-integration, function in relationships, and manage their finances. They learn about current societal norms and socially acceptable behavior, as well as new technology and other advances since their incarceration.
Life Conversations
The TRICOR's Life Conversations model is a unique and transformative communication and behavior model that take our offender workforce on a journey through TRICOR's, Vision, Mission and Values and some habilts to help them succeed along the way. This bi-weekly program consists of conversations that reinforce TRICOR's Core Values of Lead by Example, People First, Customer-Focused Culture, Right Today, Better Tomorrow and Self-Sufficiency.
Transitional and Post Release Case Management Services
TRICOR’s transitional services are provided to Offenders who are on track to complete program requirements for post‑release services, and are within 18 months of possible release. Offenders meet individually with their assigned coordinators to plan their release and post‑release employment. TRICOR's Community Resource Coordinator recruits community employers who will consider hiring clients post‑release.
If Offenders complete TRICOR's program requirements, they will continue to work with their coordinators after release as clients on employment, including job search and placement, as well as job retention and release plan review. They will also receive community referrals as needed.
Success Stories

"I was working at Northeast Correctional Complex in an administrative position when I heard about an opportunity at Tennessee Cook Chill. I was hesitant at first, but when I heard that I would be cross trained in all the different departments, I knew I was up for the challenge. I started out in the labor pool, and then trained in the dairy, the kettle department, the bakery and shipping and receiving."
"In the beginning, it was mostly about the money. For the first time in my life, I had a bank account and a savings account. But I realized quickly that it was more than the money – it was the cross training, and the skills I gained. I knew that it would make it much easier to find a job after my release."
"I have been out now for three years. I have a great job that has allowed me to move up in the company. I am now a supervisor over six other men. My boss tells me that I am a leader and that I have great people skills. At TRICOR, I also learned to care about the customer. Without satisfied customers, my company would not be successful."
"I owe my new life to TRICOR and all the people there who motivated me and encouraged me. I would tell any other offender who is thinking of working for TRICOR to take advantage of all the opportunities that they offer to help you grow as a person, while learning valuable job skills. TRICOR is the reason I am successful today."

"I know that I was fortunate, and I am so grateful for being in the right place at the right time to participate in the TRICOR Program. If it weren’t for the program I would not be where I am today. Though they have both passed on, I am thankful for Jeff Northcott with TRICOR and Casey Hannah with Underguard, who I believe are both smiling down right now on what I have accomplished. They both inspired me to want to be a better person and help others. They accepted me as a program participant in one of the first groups to train, when the Henning Call Center first opened in February 2017. From that very first day, until the day I came home in March 2020, I was ecstatic and grateful to work with the TRICOR and Underguard staff members. They all encouraged me and taught me important life lessons about personal growth and improvement so that I could be prepared for my release."
"The classes offered by TRICOR, even though I dreaded attending at times, were needed and have contributed to my personal growth and success as well. When I was released in March 2020, I had planned on taking a few weeks to catch up with family and friends before looking for a job. Then COVID hit and I began to be worried about being able to find a job, first of all, as a felon, and especially as the pandemic worsened, businesses closed, and mandates became the new normal. Then in April, only a month after my release, Underguard Teleservices contacted me and offered me the job with this amazing team that I am still blessed to be a part of today."
"It is an honor and a privilege to be the Remote Team Supervisor & Training Coordinator for Underguard Teleservices where I get to hire and assist others who have been incarcerated and have done well in the TRICOR Program. It is a blessing to be able to give back and to show others that our past does not define us. There is no stopping me.
In 2011, Jason was selected to begin the new TRICOR Building Trades Construction Industry Program, located at Turney Center Industrial Complex. He earned nationally recognized construction certifications in CORE, Carpentry I and II, Plumbing, Electrical I and II. Jason participated in Building Trades for over four years. During this time, he said “working for TRICOR really seemed more like a free-world job than a prison job.
While in TRICOR, Jason completed the cognitive behavioral program: Thinking for a Change, and a transitional readiness class: TRICOR Life Skills. Asked why he liked TRICOR he responded, “TRICOR helped us prepare for release. The savings account was helpful, and I was able to get into a transition home.”
While preparing for release, Jason’s TRICOR Offender Service Coordinator helped submit his application, which led to his acceptance into a Nashville transition home. The coordinator also worked with him to access Nashville re-entry and employment assistance programs for after-care assistance. Jason is optimistic that his construction certifications will help him build a career.
Dennis entered the TRICOR program in 2009, where he trained and worked in the wood flooring program. For almost two years, he worked as much as he could, participated in TRICOR’s Personal and Career Development Support Program and completed TRICOR’s Life Skills and Successful Living Plan. He also developed a savings account so that he could be prepared and self-sufficient once released.
That release came in January 2011, and Dennis quickly became employed by a limousine service before starting his career in construction. He continued to use his network of support and the TRICOR offender services coordinator as a support system. When asked about the benefits he received from TRICOR, Dennis said it was his time working in the wood flooring plants, where he earned and saved money to support himself after release. And while money was very important, the coaching and mentoring support he received from his offender services coordinator, mentors, and positive support systems have made the difference in sustaining his success. Currently, Dennis is the owner of a home improvement company with eight employees. Dennis believes in giving back as some of his employees are returning citizens.