Everyday Ways to Serve
Be sure to keep us in the loop by using #TennesseeServes on social media for a chance to be featured as one of our Service Spotlights.
- Deliver a meal, flowers or baked goods to a neighbor
- Help an elderly neighbor with yard work or household chores
- Keep gift cards or water bottles in your car for homeless and unhoused individuals
- Make a meal for a coworker
- Pay for the person behind you in the drive-thru line
- Offer to babysit for free for foster parents
- Recycle and reduce food waste within your household
- Send thank you letters to veterans, service members or first responders
- Tip one dollar extra
- Deliver baked goods to local firefighters or police officers
- Donate diapers and other baby essentials, such as formula or onesies, to a pregnancy aid center
- Give board games to a local senior center
- Organize a community clean up day
- Organize a school supply drive with local businesses
- Send greeting cards to a nursing home
- Throw a birthday party for a child in need
- Plant a community garden