About Us
Agency Overview
The Board of Parole is an independent agency of the State of Tennessee. It is composed of seven members who are appointed by the Governor. Member terms last six years and may be renewed upon the Governor's recommendation.
Board members live and work in all three of Tennessee's Grand Divisions. By statute, the Board has the authority to parole eligible offenders who have served a certain percentage of their sentences. It also has the authority to revoke parole privileges if offenders do not comply with supervision rules and standards set forth for them upon their release. Additionally, the Board considers requests for executive clemency and makes recommendations on those requests to the Governor.
- The Board of Parole is committed to a partnership with the citizens of Tennessee in promoting public safety and will be recognized as a leader by:
- Participating in cooperative efforts such as multi-purpose service centers, coordinated victim services and interagency efforts.
- Providing employees with access to and training in the use of advanced technologies. Fostering a highly professional staff that is proficient in parole support services.
- Promoting effectiveness and efficiency through the use of outcome measures and innovative approaches to service delivery.