For Clients and Families
Meeting with a Legislator? The IPS Supported Employment onepager showcases the benefits of work and specifically IPS for people with serious mental illness.
Animated video explaining how IPS works in Tennessee
The Tennessee Careers Center System helps employers and job seekers connect. Physical locations offer internet access, workshops, and training. For more information visit the Tennessee Careers Center website.
Learn more about possible workplace accommodations:
Connect with someone to learn more about how your Social Security Administration benefits may change if you decide to start working or enroll in school:
Find out more about Vocational Rehabilitation services and eligibility:
Review possible tax credit opportunities available to individuals and families:
Get connected with the National Center for College Students with Disabilities:
Learn more about programs offered by the U.S. Department of Education for elementary, secondary, and postsecondary students: (Find a complete list of programs offered here:
For Employers
Review possible tax credit opportunities for business that employee people with disabilities, including the Work Opportunity Tax Credit:
Find resources for hiring people with disabilities:
Close the Gap Onepager - Document details how Tennessee's Employment First Task Force is partnering to reduce the gap between employment rates of Tennesseans with disabilities and the broader population.
IPS Employment Center
Review the research behind the IPS model and access more information about IPS:
Expanding IPS to New Populations
Tennessee IPS provider CMI Healthcare Services is part of a pilot project to expand the principles of IPS to people getting out of incarceration. The YouTube playlist below has several stories showing their journey and their successes. You can learn more about the NextGen project at the following links: