Become a Tennessee Certified Faith-Based Recovery Partner

For the state to officially recognize a congregation or community of faith, they must implement the Best Practice Model. By doing so, they can be recognized as a Certified Faith-Based Recovery Partner. This model requires the following:

Best Practice Model                      

1.            Provide spiritual/pastoral support.

2.            View mental health challenges and substance use disorders as manageable conditions.

3.            Embrace and support people in recovery and walk with them on their journey.

4.            Provide visible outreach in the community.

5.            Disseminate recovery information.

6.            Host or refer individuals to recovery support groups.

7.            Pledge to recognize suicidal ideation and connect individuals in need, to crisis services.

8.            Become Trauma-Informed and create a safe space for individuals to share their hurt and begin their healing.

Whenever a congregation or community of faith is seeking certification, we direct them to the following link or QR Code to digitally complete the certification form.

Ready to take the next step?  Fill out our form!

Next Steps for Certified Faith Based Recovery Partners

After filling out the certification form and connecting with the Faith-Based Community Coordinator, each faith-based recovery partner will become actively involved in the effort to reduce the stigma associated with behavioral health challenges and in obtaining training and education. Each partner has its own strengths. Some have food pantries, clothing ministries, transportation, or support groups. Some partners are searching for a place to begin their work in this much needed field. The Faith-Based Community Coordinator can help each partner find their place and excel in the area(s) which best meets the needs of the community and the resources of the faith-based partner.