What is an Apprenticeship?

On the job training plus job related education plus progression of wages equals national credential

Registered Apprenticeship

  • An Apprenticeship is a proven training program that is used as a talent development strategy for recruiting, training and retaining world-class talent and has been used in industry for decades.  Apprenticeships are registered and validated by the U.S. Department of Labor.  
  • Apprenticeships are a work-based learning model where apprentices have supervised on-the-job training, along with job-related education, all while earning a wage that increases during the progression of the program.
  • Apprenticeship programs are intended for long-term employment.

For More Information

A factsheet from Apprenticeship Tennessee provides an overview of registered apprenticeships, including the components, the benefits to employers and apprentices, and ApprenticeshipTN contact information. Open the factsheet by clicking the button below.

A toolkit from the U.S. Department of Labor provides helpful steps and resources to start and register an apprenticeship program, from exploring the apprenticeship model as a workforce strategy to launching a new program. Access the toolkit by clicking the button below.