Summer Training 2017

In the 2017-18 school year, Tennessee schools will implement and assess the newly revised Tennessee Academic Standards for English language arts and math. The department is excited to offer differentiated support for districts, school leaders, and teachers around the revised ELA and math standards. All trainings will include face-to-face components as well as virtual materials to support differentiation and ongoing collaboration and learning.


Districts were asked to bring one team of up to six members to begin planning for standards roll-out in the 2017-2018 school year. Districts were equipped with the necessary information about the revised standards to assess current systems and structures for alignment and plan support for schools and teachers.

Intended Audience

Teams were composed of a diverse group of district representatives such as: supervisors of instruction or similar role, superintendents, school administrators, and/or teachers. Team members represented both ELA and math content areas.


Materials for the March training can be downloaded hereMaterials from the January training can be downloaded here.

Dates and Location

The sessions took place over three days and were offered in each CORE region. Day one of training was held in January of 2017 and days two and three were held in March


The department also offered training for school leaders. The training was in collaboration with Integrated Leadership Course and was offered in the spring of 2017. The focus was on evaluating instruction for alignment to the revised TN Academic Standards for math and ELA and the continued instructional shifts. There was an elementary track and a secondary track. Materials

Intended Audience

All school leaders were encouraged to participate in the standards trainings.


Materials from Integrated Leadership Course 3 can be found and downloaded here.

Dates and Location

The school leader training took place regionally across the state March 27-April 7, 2017.


The department offered training for teachers. The focus was on evaluating instructional materials for alignment to the revised TN Academic Standards for math and ELA and the continued instructional shifts. Training sessions were organized by content and grade band.

Intended Audience

K-12 Math and ELA teachers

Dates & Locations

​Teacher training took place June 20-23.The sessions were held 8AM to 4PM over two days and were offered in the CORE regions.  Teachers had the option to attend training on one of two sets of dates: Option 1: June 20-21, 2017 Option 2: June 22-23, 2017

Courses Offered

Courses were offered for both Math and ELA according to grade bands: K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12. Math agenda can be found hereELA agenda can be found here. The standards documents can be found here.

Redelivery Information

A series of redelivery webinars were conducted in the Spring of 2017. An FAQ document from the webinars can be found here.