ESSA Title I

The purpose of Tennessee's federally funded Title I, Part A Program is to support local school districts improve teaching and learning for students in high-poverty schools so that these students meet the state's challenging content and performance standards.

Title I schools can operate either as targeted assistance or school wide. Targeted assistance schools identify students who are at risk of not meeting the state's content and performance standards and provide individualized instructional programs to the identified students so that they may meet the state's standards. School-wide programs use their funds to improve the entire program of the school so that all students are impacted.

Supplement not Supplant

The purpose of Tennessee's Migrant Education Program is to assist the state in supporting high-quality and comprehensive educational programs for migratory children to help reduce the educational disruptions and other problems that result from repeated moves.

The program aims at identifying and servicing children (between the ages of 3 and 21) who are, or whose parents or spouses are, migratory agricultural workers, including migratory dairy workers, or migratory fishermen, and who, in the preceding 36 months, traveled across division/state lines in order to obtain, or accompanied such parents or spouses, in order to obtain, temporary or seasonal employment in agricultural or fishing activity.

In providing services with migrant education funds, programs must give priority to migratory children who are failing or most at risk of failing, to meet Tennessee's challenging content standards and whose education has been interrupted during the regular school year.

The department distributes the subgrants to local education agencies for recruiting/advocacy and outreach activities for the migratory children and their families. Professional development programs for teachers, family literacy, integration of information technology into educational and related programs, and facilitating the transition of secondary school students to post secondary education or employment are some of the goals of this program.

It is the purpose of the Neglected and Delinquent Education Program to:

  • Improve educational services to children in local and state institutions for neglected and delinquent children.
  • Provide such children and youth the services needed to make a successful transition from institutionalization to further schooling or employment.
  • Prevent at-risk youth from dropping out of school and provide dropouts and youth returning from institutions with a support system to ensure their continued education.

Forms & Resources


Program Grantees and Awards, Subpart 1 and 2

Monitoring Title I, Part D State Agencies 

Blank N&D Monitoring Report

On July 28, 2002, the Secretary announced that schools singled out for national honors will now reflect the goals of our nation's new education reforms for high standards and accountability. The Blue Ribbon Schools Program honors public and private K-12 schools that are either academically superior in their states or that demonstrate dramatic gains in student achievement.

Additional Information

Background Info --The purpose of the Title I Distinguished Schools Recognition Program is to identify schools that are:

  1. Ensuring that all children have access to effective instructional strategies and challenging academic content; and,
  2. Demonstrating success in ensuring that all children, particularly educationally deprived children, make significant progress toward learning that content.

A nominated school may be a schoolwide program or a targeted assistance school.

Each state may nominate two schools for national recognition:

  • One school will represent the state’s Title I schools that have exhibited exceptional student performance for two or more consecutive years.
  • One school will represent the state’s Title I schools that have made the most progress in significantly closing the achievement gap between student groups.

Additional information about this program is available at

The Title I Distinguished Schools Recognition Program for 2007-2008 will be using new procedures to determine the selected schools. In past years, Distinguished Schools applications were solicited from Title I schools.

The Department has decided that the Blue Ribbon and Title I schools programs have similar selection procedures. Because of this, there will no longer be a Title I Distinguished Schools application distributed for submission.  Instead, under the revised procedures, the staff of the Office of Federal Programs will determine the eligible schools for both programs by using screening criteria (test scores, AYP, poverty data, recognition history, etc.) and approach eligible schools for site visits.

The planned site visits by NCLB consultants and other federal programs staff will occur during September. Finalists will be determined and presented to the Commissioner for approval. The Title I Distinguished Schools will then complete required paperwork that will be forwarded to the national level.

National Title I Distinguished Schools are recognized at the annual NASTID Conference.