Early Childhood Training Program

The Tennessee Department of Education and the Department of Human Services recruited non-public schools and childcare centers to participate in a pilot that focuses on integrating more literacy-based practices into birth to five classrooms. The pilot began in September 2017 and was completed in June 2018 in the following counties: Davidson, Shelby, Knox, Fayette, Anderson, Blount, Campbell, Claiborne, Hamblen, Sevier, Greene, Sullivan, Unicoi, Union, and Washington. 


Why did the state decide to fund this program?
We know that early literacy matters; students begin learning to read and think before they enter the classroom. The state believes that providing training and support to those who work with our youngest children, as well as their families,  will mean greater success for students as they continue to grow.


What supports are program participants being provided to integrate literacy-based practices into their classrooms?

Each classroom teacher, assistant, and site director of participating sites will complete six online learning modules that will be provided over the school year. In addition, they will receive learning guides and free books to place in their classrooms. Specifically, each classroom will receive two sets of books composed of seven books each; one set is meant for classroom use and the other set will be sent home with children to read with their families.  Program participants will also be provided with varied levels of coaching support. Finally, pre- and post- environmental assessments and provider awareness surveys will be collected, and the results will be shared with the participating providers to further improve their practice. 


Are the online modules open to any childcare provider for training credit? 

Although the online modules are only available for credit for program participants this year, any provider is welcome to view the modules as a resource.  


For more information about the program, please email EarlyLiteracy.Matters@tn.gov.

View the Office of Early Learning and other early childhood programs here.