Hazard Mitigation and Community Education Grant

Hazard Mitigation and Community Education Grants are provided by the Tennessee Department of Agriculture, Division of Forestry to communities, groups, and organizations to make their homes and communities safer from wildlife. Examples of program recipients are cities, towns, and communities with a risk or potential for loss from wildland fires. Communities who have developed a Community Wildfire Prevention Plan (CWPP) are eligible for funding to implement hazard mitigation and community education projects identified in their CWPP.

The Grant Timeline is below. The 2025 grant application period will be from September 1 to October 14, 2024.


Hazard Mitigation Grants fund community outreach, education, emergency planning, and hazard mitigation activities such as fuel reduction through thinning and prescribed burning. Necessary activities are identified through the development of a required Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP).

The types of grants offered include:

Start-up Grants: A community beginning to develop their CWPP can apply for a $1,000 startup grant. The intent of this grant is to assist communities defer the initial costs of education, outreach, planning, and field work associated with developing their CWPP. On the ground mitigation activities are not covered in this grant. This grant can be applied for at any time of the year.

Hazard Mitigation Assistance Grants: This type of grant can be used for a wide range of hazard mitigation activities are based on the current Action Plan of their approved CWPP. The initial grant provided to the community is limited to a maximum of $20,000. Subsequent grants can be submitted by the community annually for up to $10,000.

Community Education Grants: This type of grant can be used for community meetings and education events by a community based on the current Action Plan of their approved CWPP. This grant amount is limited to a maximum of $500.00 annually. Communities cannot receive a Hazard Mitigation Assistance Grant and a Community Education Grant in the same year.

Eligible Uses for Hazard Mitigation Funds

  • Costs related to assessments such as mailings, fire adapted educational materials and photocopying
  • Cost of contractors to do assessment(s), write plans, and GIS mapping
  • Vegetation management work such as bush hogging
  • Costs related to mechanical removal or reduction of a hazard fuel
  • Development or improvement of an existing firebreak
  • Purchasing equipment such as chain saws, blowers, mowers, bush hog, to assist with fuel reduction including related safety equipment such as chaps, goggles, hearing, and face protection
  • Widening cul-de-sacs and turnarounds for wildfire equipment access purposes
  • Fire resistant signs, posts, and installation costs to identify roads, residences and emergency exits
  • Gate construction on emergency access roads
  • Cost of installing “dry hydrants”
  • Leasing or contracting equipment and other resources to complete an eligible project
  • Portable radios and cell phones
  • Approved building materials or installation labor for mitigation projects such as fire-resistant street sign
  • Items not on this list but approved by the Division of Forestry

Ineligible Uses for Hazard Mitigation Funds

  • Legal fees
  • Salary or equipment costs of regular community employees
  • Equipment exceeding $5,000 in cost
  • Capital Improvement projects (Capital improvement is any permanent structure or other asset added to a property that adds to its value.)
  • Any other project/item outside the intent of the National Cohesive Wildland Fire Management Strategy as interpreted by TDF


The Division has partnered with the Appalachian Resource, Conservation and Development Council (ARCD) in the administration and management of the Hazard Mitigation Assistance Grant program. The Division reviews and approves all applications for grant assistance and provides direction to the ARCD for approved community grant expenditures. Communities will be required to sign an agreement with the ARCD to make authorized expenditures. The ARCD will provide the community with written guidelines on how to make expenditures and submit their expenses for reimbursement.

More information on Hazard Mitigation Program Grant information, guidance and procedures can be found in the Tennessee Fire Adapted Communities Desk Reference.

2025 Hazard Mitigation Grants Timeline
Date Task
August 15, 2024 Hazard Mitigation Grant Announcement posted on TDF website: https://www.tn.gov/tnwildlandfire.
September 1 – October 14, 2024 Grant Applications Received.
October 16 – 31, 2024 Applications are rated and approved by Steering Committee.
November 1, 2024 Applications forwarded to ARC&D.
November 10, 2024 ARC&D sends grant contracts to communities for signature.
November 15, 2024 Grant beginning date.
June 16, 2025 Grant ending date.
July 1, 2025 All Grant Invoices are due and must be submitted to the ARC&D.
July 31, 2025 Grant reimbursements complete.