May 16, 2024
11:00 am to 2:00 pm CST
Tennessee Tower - Conference Room G William R. Snodgrass Bldg 312 Rosa L. Parks Ave. Nashville, TN 37203
The Tennessee Inmate Disciplinary Oversight Board will be holding its May 2024 public meeting on Thursday, May 16th, at the Tennessee Tower in Conference Room G from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm.
Agenda and meeting details are included on this webpage.
Please direct any questions about attending this meeting or its agenda to the Inmate Disciplinary Oversight Board Executive Director, Michael Stahl, at Michael.Stahl@tn.gov. Members of the public wishing to comment on matters on the agenda must submit their comments in advance to the Board via the Executive Director at Michael.Stahl@tn.gov.
The Tennessee Inmate Disciplinary Oversight Board is established as an autonomous state agency responsible for the review, granting, denial, and/or removal of state inmate sentence credits by the Tennessee Department of Corrections for good instituional behavior and to determine whether sentence credits previously awarded should be removed for commission of a major infraction designated by the Department as a Class A disciplinary offense or for an inmate's refusal to participate in an assignment.