COVID-19 Unified Command Group Brings Voluntary Testing to Chattanooga Housing Authority Neighborhoods

Wednesday, May 20, 2020 | 01:45pm

NASHVILLE, Tenn. – Tennessee Governor Bill Lee’s Unified Command Group (UCG) is coordinating with the Chattanooga Housing Authority to provide free COVID-19 testing available to families and residents who would like to receive a test at four CHA communities on Thursday and Friday.

“This will be our fourth testing event with housing authorities in Tennessee’s major metropolitan areas in our effort to expand COVID-19 testing in our state,” said Commissioner Lisa Piercey, MD, MBA, FAAP, Tennessee Department of Health. “UCG will continue to build relationships and prioritize plans on how we reduce barriers to COVID-19 testing for Tennesseans who are especially vulnerable to the virus.”

CHA testing locations on Thur., May 21, open 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., EST, will be in the neighborhoods of East Lake Courts, 2600 4th Ave., and Emma Wheeler Homes, 4900 Edinburg Drive.

CHA testing locations on Friday, May 21, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., EST, will be in the neighborhoods of College Hill Courts, with testing at the James A. Henry School, 1300 Grove St., and Greenwood Terrace Apts., which will have a drive through testing option, 3056 Dee Drive.

Medics with the Tennessee National Guard at each MDHA neighborhood site will collect nasal swabs from those who voluntarily agree to a COVID-19 test.

Participants should receive their test results within 72 hours, depending on test processing volume at laboratories. Information will be provided to participants at the testing locations on what they can expect after being tested. This information is also available at:

UCG has organized three previous COVID-19 testing events with housing authorities in Knoxville, Memphis, and Nashville.

Any Tennessean with health concerns, or who has concerns about the health of a family member, can obtain a free COVID-19 test any day of the week, at any county health department. Find testing locations at

Governor Lee formed the UCG on March 23, 2020, bringing together the Tennessee Department of Health, Tennessee Department of Military, and Tennessee Emergency Management Agency to streamline coordination across key Tennessee departments to fight the COVID-19 pandemic in the state.