Governor Lee, Commissioner Rolfe Announce Robinson Manufacturing to Expand Rhea County Operations
- Clothing manufacturer will invest $15 million
- Company has operated in Rhea County for 94 years
NASHVILLE, Tenn. – Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee, Department of Economic and Community Development Commissioner Bob Rolfe and Robinson Manufacturing officials announced today that the clothing manufacturing and distribution company will expand its operations, creating 91 new jobs in Rhea County.
Robinson Manufacturing will invest $15 million to increase its manufacturing and distribution capabilities. The company manufactures, decorates, warehouses and distributes apparel for customers around the world. Due to increased demand, it has constructed a new warehouse and distribution space at its existing location at 1140 Broadway St. in Dayton, Tenn.
Robinson Manufacturing has remained family owned and operated since it was founded in 1927. Throughout its history, the company has manufactured apparel for a wide range of distribution, including nearly 90 percent of its production on World War II efforts in the 1940s.
Those interested in applying can go to to learn more, or apply in person at 798 Market Street in Dayton.
Over the last five years, TNECD has supported 80 economic development projects in Southeast Tennessee, resulting in 10,500 job commitments and $3.2 billion in capital investment.
“I congratulate Robinson Manufacturing on its expansion in Rhea County and am proud to partner with a company that has had roots in Tennessee for nearly 100 years. Job creation in rural communities is crucial to our state’s economic success, and I thank Robinson Manufacturing for creating these 91 new jobs.” – Gov. Bill Lee
“Supporting projects in our at-risk and distressed counties is a priority for TNECD, and Robinson Manufacturing’s investment is an indicator of healthy growth in Rhea County. Companies have invested more than $9.5 billion in our rural counties over the last five years, and we are fortunate to add this additional investment in Rhea County. We’re grateful to Rhea Economic Tourism Council, the city of Dayton and Rhea County who helped bring this project to fruition.” – TNECD Commissioner Bob Rolfe
“Robinson Manufacturing Company is proud to be able to expand our operations in Rhea County where it all started in 1927. Our deep roots in the generations of the people of Rhea County is the foundation of our success. We certainly look forward to our future as well as continuing to provide jobs for our great community.” – Patrick Robinson, president, Robinson Mfg. Company
“TVA and City of Dayton Electric Department congratulate Robinson Manufacturing on its decision to expand operations in Dayton. It’s always an exciting day when we can celebrate a company’s continued commitment to job creation and investment in the region. We are proud to partner with Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development and Rhea Economic and Tourism Council to celebrate this announcement and support Robinson Manufacturing in its continued business success in the Valley.” – John Bradley, TVA senior vice president of Economic Development
“We could not be more excited for Robinson Manufacturing and Rhea County. These new jobs will make a tremendous difference and will have a very positive spillover effect on our communities. Governor Lee, the General Assembly and our county officials have worked diligently to attract investment and break down barriers to job growth and it is producing results. It is also testament to the great people who make up our local workforce. Thank you to Governor Lee, Commissioner Rolfe, and our local officials for helping to secure these jobs. It is a pleasure to partner with them to bring new and better paying jobs to this region.” – Sen. Ken Yager (R-Kingston)
“Robinson Manufacturing is a valued employer in our community, and I congratulate them and their employees on their remarkable success. I am grateful to our local leaders who work hard to promote and advance our existing industries in Rhea County.” – Rep. Ron Travis (R-Dayton)
TNECD Media Contact
Molly Hair
Public Information Officer
(615) 878-0063
About the Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development
The Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development’s mission is to develop strategies that help make Tennessee the No. 1 location in the Southeast for high quality jobs. To grow and strengthen Tennessee, the department seeks to attract new corporate investment to the state and works with Tennessee companies to facilitate expansion and economic growth. Find us on the web: Follow us on Twitter and Instagram: @tnecd. Like us on Facebook: