Public Meeting Information

Real Estate Appraiser Commission

Below is a listing of public meetings for this year. Please click on "Upcoming Public Meetings" under the drop-down to the left for future Public Meetings.

Date Time Location Event/Agenda/Minutes
1/21/2025 9am Davy Crockett Tower
1st Floor Conference (1-B)
Nashville, TN
Board Meeting
4/21/2025 9am Davy Crockett Tower
1st Floor Conference (1-B)
Nashville, TN
Board Meeting
7/21/2025 9am Davy Crockett Tower
1st Floor Conference (1-B)
Nashville, TN
Board Meeting
10/20/2025 9am Davy Crockett Tower
1st Floor Conference (1-B)
Nashville, TN
Board Meeting

Some meetings may be canceled 30 days prior to the actual meeting.
Before planning to attend a meeting, please be certain the meeting is being held as originally scheduled.
Unless Otherwise Noted, All times listed are United States Central Time.

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