Maternal Mortality Review Committee (MMRC)

The state of Tennessee established the Maternal Mortality Review and Prevention Committee in January 2017. The team is composed of a multidisciplinary expert panel that is tasked to review all deaths occurring during pregnancy or within a year of pregnancy, and report recommendations for changes to any law, rule, or policy that would promote the safety and well-being of women and the prevention of maternal deaths.

The committee is a closed membership with Commissioner approval.

The committee is composed of a multidisciplinary expert panel with representation from:

  • Public Health, Pediatrics, Domestic Violence, Obstetrics-gynecology, Nursing, Hospital Patient Safety, Anesthesiology, Nurse-Midwifery, Tennessee Senate, Neonatology, Medical Examiner, House of Representatives, Maternal and Fetal Medicine, Mental Health

The Maternal Mortality Review Committee is actively seeking professionals to join its panel, including a Neurologist, a community organization specializing in reproductive and women's health, a doula, representatives from the Police Department or EMS, and individuals with lived experience. If you're interested or know someone who might be, please reach out to