Reverse Transfer Opt-In Consent
Please note that your academic history is protected by federal law and your information will not be used for any other purpose than this screening and degree requirement confirmation.
To determine if you meet the requirements for an associate degree and to facilitate the recording of any degree awarded, you are electionically consenting to:
- Share all of your courses, grades, and transcripts form your current four-year university to you community college.
- Allow your community college to send a copy of your transcript to your current four-year university, if requested.
- Allow your community college to request transcript from any other insitution you have attended, for the purpose of awarding a reverse transfer associate degree.
In order to earn a degree from your community college you must have:
- Earned 15.00 or more credits at your community college
- Earned a 2.00 or higher GPA at your community college
- Earned a combined total of 60 credits or more that meet a designated associate degree path.
- Fulfilled the associate degree requirements as determined by the records office
Please click here to view more information regarding the Reverse Transfer Program or email ask@TNReverseTransfer.Org.