Change of Address

If you are a professional in a business that is regulated by the Department of Commerce & Insurance and you have changed your address, please see below for specific requirements on how and when to notify the Division appropriate to your field. 

change of address or employment is reported through your account. Address changes reported after 30 days have a fee of $25.00. After you log in or create an account, you will choose the “My Licenses or Permits” tab, select your credential, then select the Change Address option.

For Registered Employees or Qualifying agents, a change of address is reported through your account. After you log in or create an account, you will choose the “My Licenses or Permits” tab, select your credential, then select the Change Address option. There is not a fee for a home address change.

If you are an Alarm Contracting Company, please use this PDF to report a company address change.


Rule 0120-1-.27 of the Board of Architectural and Engineering Examiners states that a registrant or applicant for registration shall notify the Board in writing within 30 days of any change in mailing address. Reporting address changes is your personal responsibility. Address changes can be completed online ( 


Firms submitting an address change (Tennessee Code Annotated 62-2-601), should fill out the Firm Disclosure Update application which can be found online.

Am I required to notify the Commission if I change my address?
Yes, in order to receive your renewal notice, we must have your current address.
While we prefer you report a change of address online at, they may be sent via email to reg.boards@TN.Gov

May I change my information online?
Yes, it is the preferred method. A change of address is reported through your account. After you log in or create an account, you will choose the “My Licenses or Permits” tab, select your credential, then select the Change Address option.

Am I required to notify the Commission if I change my address?
Yes, in order to receive your renewal notice, we must have your current address.
While we prefer you report a change of address online at, they may be sent via email to

May I change my information online?
Yes, it is the preferred method for Principal Auctioneers, and Affiliate Auctioneers. A change of address is reported through your account. After you log in or create an account, you will choose the “My Licenses or Permits” tab, select your credential, then select the Name/Address Change option.

For a Preneed Sales Agent, a change of address is reported through your account. After you log in or create an account, you will choose the “My Licenses or Permits” tab, select your credential, then select the Change Address option.

For cemeteries and preneed sellers, you need to complete a Change of Location application within your core account at and email the board if you would like to add a PO Box for your mail. The mailing address for the preneed sellers and cemeteries has to be at your physical location unless you add a PO Box.

An agency must submit a written notification, an amended surety bond, and an amended corporate bond to the Collection Service Board when changing an address. A change of address is reported through your account. After you log in or create an account, you will choose the “My Licenses or Permits” tab, select your credential, then select the Change Address option. There is not a fee for an address change.

A change of address is reported through your account. After you log in or create an account, you will choose the “My Licenses or Permits” tab, select your credential, then select the Change Address option. There is not a fee for an address change.

A licensee shall notify the office of the Board in writing within thirty (30) days of any change of address. Failure to do so could result in a civil penalty outlined in Rule 0680­01­.19. While we prefer you to report address changes online within your core account at, you may use this form to submit an Address Change Request:

Am I required to notify the board if I change my address?

Yes, in order to receive your renewal notice, we must have your current address.
While we prefer you report a change of address online at, they may be sent via email to

How do I submit a change of address/location?
For individuals, you can change your address in your core account at After you log in or create an account, you will choose the “My Licenses or Permits” tab, select your credential, then select the Change Address option.

If you own a shop or school you must apply for a change of location and receive an inspection. You can do this within the shop's core account at After you log in or create an account, you will choose the “My Licenses or Permits” tab, select your credential, then select the Location Change option.
NOTE: If you need to update your MAILING ADDRESS only, you can email your shop name, license # and request to

You may update your name/address by submitting a Change of Information form. You can mail in your completed form or email it to for processing.

Change of Information Notice [pdf]

Debt Management Companies and Credit Services Businesses should always ensure the office has a current email and address on file for renewal notices and other communication needs. These changes may be sent to

Fire Extinguisher, Blasting, Sprinkler or Fireworks: Change of Address Form [pdf]

For a Funeral Director or Embalmer, a change of address is reported through your account. After you log in or create an account, you will choose the “My Licenses or Permits” tab, select your credential, then select the Change Address option.

For funeral establishments, you need to complete a Change of Location application within your core account at and email the board if you would like to add a PO Box for your mail. The mailing address for funeral establishments has to be at your physical location unless you add a PO Box.


Reporting address changes (home, business, and mailing) is your personal responsibility. Address changes can be completed online


If you have an update to your firm’s address and/or contact information, please fill out an updated Geology Firm Disclosure Form and send it to us via email at Geology.Board@TN.Gov.

Reporting address changes (home, business, or mailing) is your personal responsibility. Address changes can be completed online.


Reporting address changes (home, business, or mailing) is your personal responsibility. Address changes can be completed online


If you have an update to your firm’s address or contact information, please fill out an updated Land Surveyor Firm Disclosure Form and send it to us via email at Land.Surveyors@TN.Gov.

Am I required to notify the board if I change my address?

  • For a change of business location, dealers, auctions, dismantlers/recyclers, and RV dealers must submit the required application and paperwork and be re-inspected at the new location. After you log in or create an account at CORE, you will choose the “My Licenses or Permits” tab, select your credential, then select the Relocation option.
  • For dealers, manufacturer/distributors, auctions, dismantlers/recyclers, and RV dealers Mailing Address Change - A change of MAILING address is reported through your CORE account. After you log in or create an account, you will choose the “My Licenses or Permits” tab, select your credential, then select the Change Address option.
  • Salesmen and Representatives may change “Home Address” by using the online address change, however, if a salesman or representative is moving from one dealership to another, they must complete a 'Transfer' application by visiting CORE and logging into their personal account. After you log in or create an account, you will choose the “My Licenses or Permits” tab, select your credential, then select the Change Address option if changing your home address or the Transfer option if moving to a new dealership.

Am I required to notify the Commission if I change my address?

Am I required to notify the Commission if I change my firm’s address?

Can I change my information online?
Not at this time.

Address Change Form [pdf]

Companies regulated to provide private probation services, for misdemeanor cases, oversee clients based on a Judge, and the Judges jurisdiction, deciding to use the private company. As such, if the company address changes, the jurisdiction needs to agree to the address change, so clients are not inconvenienced. If everything is in order, the council needs to be notified in writing of the address change. That information should be sent to Private.Probation@TN.Gov

Am I required to notify the Commissioner if I change my address?
Yes.  All changes must be reported within thirty (30) days of the change.

Am I required to notify the Commissioner if I change my firm’s address?
Yes.  All changes must be reported within thirty (30) days of the change.

Am I required to notify the Commissioner if my job status changes?

Can I change my information online?
Not at this time.
You can email program staff with the requested changes, or you may fax a written request to 615.532.2965.

Address Change Form [pdf]

Reporting address changes (residential, business, or mailing) is your personal responsibility. Address changes can be completed online. The business address and residential address must be physical addresses. Please remember to update phone numbers, business name, and e-mail addresses, if necessary.


In order to change your home address, you will need to log in or create an account at After you log in or create an account, you will choose the “My Licenses or Permits” tab, select your credential, then select the Change Address option. There is not a fee for a home address change.


In order to change your real estate firm address,  you will need to log in or create an account at After you log in or create an account, you will choose the “My Licenses or Permits” tab, select the credential you need to update, then select the Address Change option. Here you will be able to enter your new firm address and upload the required zoning letter. You may also mail in the Firm Updates Form (TREC2) along with the required zoning letter for processing. There is not fee associated with changing your firm address.


Reporting address changes (home, business, and mailing) is your personal responsibility. Address changes can be completed online


If you have an update to your firm’s address or contact information, please fill out an updated Soil Scientist Firm Disclosure Form and send it to us via email at

The TennCare Oversight Division is responsible for overseeing, examining and monitoring Managed Care Companies (MCCs) participating in the TennCare Program.
Any change of address notifications pertaining to the TennCare Oversight Division need to be made to our division directly. MCCs only please contact 615-741-2677 for specific guidance.