TFF050 - Introduction to Fire & Emergency Services Train-the-Trainer




The class focus is on basic safety consideration and essential information required before a member of a fire department responds to an incident and provides an understanding of the roles and responsibilities of the fire service at the basic level.

The purpose of this course is to prepare entry-level fire service personnel with an understanding of the dangers associated with emergency operations and method used for scene management and safety.

Under the ACI program, the applicant will have completed training or certification that they are seeking to teach; have completed the corresponding Train the Trainer program; and have completed Fire Instructor I.

To successfully complete this course the student will be required to take a 50-question exam and pass with a minimum 80%. The material for this exam is from the Jones and Bartlett Fundamentals of Firefighting 4th Edition.


Course Code




2 Hours



  • There is no charge for this class



  • Introduction to Fire & Emergency Services
  • Must pass end of class exam with a score of 80 or better.



Must be 18 years of age.





Maximum Class Size



Required Student Materials



Course Objectives

  • Student will demonstrate knowledge of the fire service, scene management and safety.
  • Student will be able to complete required TFACA paperwork for the class he/she is teaching.



Click here to register through the Acadis portal.