Becoming a Court Ordered Driver Education Course Provider and/or Instructor

Below are instructions to become a Department of Safety and Homeland Security certified provider and/or instructor of the Driver Education Course. If you are searching for a course to attend please see the "Instructions for Attendees" here. This information pertains only to courses allowed under TCA 55-10-301. These courses must provide a minimum of four (4) hours of classroom or on-line driver safety training which has been determined by the Department of Safety and Homeland Security to meet or exceed the standards of the AAA, National Safety Council or such other nationally recognized curriculum and which is designed to educate persons committing minor traffic violations and to deter future violations.

1. Upon submission of your application please print a copy and mail along with the appropriate fee to the address below. Your application will not be processed until payment is received.

  • Application fees:
    • New Applicants - $150.00
    • Annual Renewal Applicants - $50.00
  • Please make non-refundable check or money order payable to Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security and mail to:

Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security
Attn: Cashier's Section
P.O. Box 24589
Nashville, TN 37202

2. An entity which proposes to offer a Driver Education Course must submit the following with application(s):

  • Copy of curriculum to be used if not using AAA or National Safety Council curriculum
  • Certification for Driver Education Course Instructor issued by AAA, National Safety Council or other certified school approved by the Department for each instructor
  • Copy of background check conducted by the Tennessee Bureau of Investigations for each instructor. Background checks can be obtained at

Once all required documentation has been received and approved a certificate of approval will be issued and uploaded. ALL certificates are valid
for one (1) year and must be renewed annually.  If you have any questions or need assistance with the application process, please contact us at

Court Ordered Driver Education Course Provider and/or Instructor FAQ's

1.   Are Law Enforcement Personnel required to submit a background check?

No.  Correspondence from a law enforcement agency on letterhead indicating that a background check has been conducted for purposes of employment will be accepted.

2.   Where can I obtain Instructor Development Certification?

American Automobile Association (AAA) or National Safety Council (NSC), or such other certified school approved by the Department

3.   Does my class have to be at least 4 hours long?

Yes. All classes must be at least (4) four hours in length.

4.   If I am a governmental employee or immediate family member of a governmental employee, can I still operate a private driver education course?

No. No one employed or immediate family member of anyone employed as law enforcement or officials; probation and parole employees or officials; judicial employees or officials, or correctional employees or officials, including employees and officials of jails and workhouses, shall have a direct or indirect personal interest in a private entity. You ARE still able to instruct for a governmental agency.

5.   If I experience problems with a Driver Education Course or instructor, what   can I do?

All complaints relating to Driver Education Courses or instructors must be made in writing, signed by the complainant and mailed to the address below:

Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security
Attn: Jennifer Brawley
1150 Foster Avenue
Nashville, TN 37210