Warren County Stories

I used opiates for 10 years, including Roxicodones and IV heroin. Nearly two years ago, I returned to my hometown in Tennessee. This is when I turned my life around and started allowing God to love on me. Now, I love on others every single day! I am currently active in Narcotics Anonymous, involved in two churches, a member of small support groups, a mentor to three men, father of three amazing children, husband of more than nine years to my wife, and serve God daily by believing in Him and loving others. Like others, I suffered consequences due to my addiction, but I am grateful for them. Because of my hopelessness and pain, I sought help through treatment and other positive support systems. My marriage and children suffered. I lost jobs, wrecked vehicles, endured bodily injury, lost my driver’s license and the list goes on and on. Today, I focus on all that God has restored in my life. I now have coping skills I follow, better understand my triggers and regularly practice self-care. My mess has become my message, and now I do what I can to help combat the war on opioid addiction!