Smith County Stories

I experimented with drugs as a teenager. I experienced emotional and mental health issues due to trauma as a child being raised by an alcoholic father. Between 17 and 20 years old, I was prescribed opioids for multiple injuries and discovered I eventually could not stop using them. This led me down a dark road of overdoses, homelessness, losing custody of my children, getting divorced, not speaking to my family for two years, prostitution, robbery, manufacturing and dealing drugs and jail time. After many stints in treatment and jail, I finally gained rehabilitation and freedom through a transitional living facility. I now have joint custody of my children back and a wonderful relationship with my family. I graduate from MTSU in December of 2019 with a Bachelor of Social Work degree and am currently applying for graduate school. I am a board member for a local transitional living facility, and I work at a drug and alcohol treatment center. My passion in life is helping others like myself make it out of the darkness. I believe I was spared because I have a purpose and that purpose is to help try to break the stigma of addiction and to give back to my community.