Putnam County Stories

Our lives were impacted by the opioid crisis when my brother-in-law, CJ, died from an overdose. He was only 30 years old. He loved the New York Yankees, animals, movies, Dave Matthews Band and his family. My daughter lost her Uncle CJ, my husband lost his youngest brother, and I lost my dear brother-in-law. He will never be able to experience the things people take for granted. He will never have the opportunity to get married nor have children of his own. He was the kindest person who would do anything for anyone, but unfortunately he trusted people too much which led to his death. He was just a big teddy bear who loved to make people laugh. Family gatherings, holidays and vacations are just not the same without him. There is forever a big hole in our hearts. Not a day goes by when we don’t think of him. We love you CJ!