Overton County Stories

Roughly six years ago, I went head first into a downward spiral to completely ruin my life. I managed to lose my home, my car, my job, my children and my marriage all in about three months. I had given up on myself and everyone else in my life. I ended up bouncing from drug house to drug house and hanging out anywhere I could just to get high.
Drugs were my life. Everything I did or thought about doing was for drugs. I lost myself to the streets and whatever they had to offer me. I was arrested 26 times in a span of three years. I quit talking to my family, including my children. I came close to death more times than I can even remember. My life was hollow, and I didn’t want to live anymore.
I went to my probation officer who I knew was a Christian and asked for help. He sent me to a place that forever changed who I am and gave me a reason to want to live. I am now sober, gainfully employed, have a new home, a healthy relationship with my family and get to see my children every weekend. Most importantly, I now have a real love for God. He saved me and made me whole again.