Montgomery County Stories

My drug use started at a very young age. I started drinking and smoking pot. I had a surgical operation which led to the use of opiates. I absolutely loved how they made me feel. It was a downhill spiral from there. I chased that feeling for 20 years. I went from this drug to that drug but always turned back to opiates. I overdosed two times. I signed the rights away to my children because I couldn’t care for them. One of my children just within the last two years returned to my life. I lost relationships, family members and friends due to my addiction. I lied, cheated and stole to support my habit. I ended up in jail which in turn was the end of my run. I knew then jail was not where I wanted to be. I actually stole from my husband and almost lost him as well. Luckily, he had hope and faith, and today we are stronger than ever. I had family members who used drugs as well as drink so it was normal to me. I didn’t see a real issue until I had to have drugs to function normally. I ended up finding help through Buffalo Valley, Inc. They helped me every step of the way and still do as I am now a full-time employee with them. I would not be where I am without my Narcotics Anonymous family/friends, my Buffalo Valley family, my husband, children, immediate family who never gave up on me and most importantly God!