Meigs County Stories

How do I really begin? It started out slowly and gradually kept growing like a cancer and spreading. It’s like a speeding runaway train that just won’t slow down and stop. It has been really hard on me watching my son go through this, living the pain with him because there is so much pain involved with it all. You wonder as a parent what did I do wrong in raising him? Is it my fault? Trying to keep it secret when everyone already knows and being so embarrassed about it. So frustrated for not being able to get the help he so badly needed. Frustrated at the court system for the light sentences they give the drug dealers. So much hurt, pain, anger, confusion and feeling betrayed. If it was not by the grace of God, I would not have made it over the past 20 years dealing with this. I don’t know how many times my son should have died. He would take up to 30 or more pills a day. I have a nephew who struggles with also and a sister who died of organ failure because of an overdose. Something has to be done about this crisis.