Lawrence County Stories

For the past 33 years, our family has been confused and hurt because of opioid addiction. Our son started using drugs as a teenager. We tried everything we knew to help him. We paid to keep him out of trouble. At times, we forced him to live with the consequences. We worried, prayed and threatened, but we just could not find what worked.
I am grateful to report for the last 18 months we have our son back. Knowing he is one of the most caring and kindest individuals, I am grateful we did not have to bury him to see this change. Because he attended drug court, which included holding him accountable for his actions, our son realized his purpose and found the strength to remain clean.
Being involved with those in recovery changed all the lives in our family. The disease of addiction can be fatal unless it is treated as a disease and not a character flaw. Treatment is worth the effort and time commitment involved.