Houston County Stories

I became hooked on opioids after a knee surgery. It just kept progressing until I lost everything, including my brother to his own overdose. During my addiction, I also lost the ability to spend time with my children. While it seemed to be a never-ending battle, I am here to tell anyone who will listen that there is hope! I owe a great deal of gratitude to Safe Harbor and its staff for showing me a way of life through God’s will.

My life has been impacted by the opioid crisis in every way possible. I lost relationships with family members, friends, spouse and spent time in and out of jail. My addiction kept me from people I love the most like my two beautiful baby girls Lilly and Cassidy. I can never regain those times and years. The list of materialistic things I lost is long as well, including homes vehicles and thousands of dollars. The drugs also caused physical problems as I contracted Hepatitis C from injecting heroin with a needle. I have just five words to say to everyone: JUST SAY NO TO DRUGS.