Hancock County Stories

As a child of a young mother on drugs, a father on drugs who was never around and lots of aunts & uncles on drugs, life was unpredictable. I always thought I'll never be like that. My great grandparents were the only stability I had in my life. I was raped at 14. I didn’t know how to deal with emotions. I began my IV drug use shortly after that happened. The numbness. No feeling dirty or ashamed. That's what I was addicted to.
By 18 I was in jail, went to rehab five times by 20, had a felony on my record for a $50 forgery, I was homeless, selling my body and hating myself more every day. I was ashamed and treated worse than a human ever should be treated.
I met my now husband at 20. He said we can either make a life or part ways, and I decided I was done with that life. I wanted to feel the love I had for him. Fast forward: We had kids, but I couldn't get a job. No one wants an ex-convict on their payroll. I felt worthless and terrified of how our kids may be treated as they grew up.
I found direct sales in 2017 because I didn't need a background check to work. I began being open on social media sharing my journey and the makeup I sell. People started sharing my videos, sending me thank you messages, buying from me, asking me to speak on stages. It changed my life. My kids won’t have to see their mommy messed up or wonder why daddy isn’t around like I had to.
The cycle ends with me.