Fayette County Stories

I started using opioids when I was 14 years old to ease the pain of sexual abuse I suffered at the hands of my grandfather. My father found out about the abuse and killed my grandfather in front of me which sent me on a downward spiral emotionally and mentally. I was committed to an institution at age 12 due to the trauma and upon release was introduced to opioids by my brothers. My first time was great—no more pain. It was only supposed to be an occasional thing, but it turned into a necessity---an addiction.
I’ve been pregnant nine times and have five children who are still living. I used drugs with every pregnancy with the exception of the first one. I tried to quit by going to rehab during my pregnancies (three times), but I was unable to completely stop. Due to my addiction, I was unable to raise any of my children. Two were adopted by relatives, but I haven’t seen them since I gave birth. My other children do not want anything to do with me. I’ve been to 12 rehabs (2 of which were court ordered), incarcerated more than 30 times, lost family and friends and experienced homelessness due to choosing opioids over what was really important. I’ve been incarcerated more than a year and a half in the Fayette County Jail and am awaiting parole in March 2020. As I look back, I know I could’ve and should’ve made better choices, but I’m turning my life around with the help of Jesus.