Dickson County Stories

My addiction started around age 18. I had used drugs recreationally but none which made me physically dependent. I was addicted to pain killers for 10 years off and on before eventually using heroin. My little sister was murdered in April of 2015, and I just stopped caring. I didn’t care about my well-being, self-care or anyone else around me. My life spiraled out of control, and I lost my apartment, friends, several jobs but more importantly my dignity. I had lost the drive to be a productive citizen. I had emotionally damaged my daughter and my family. I had multiple legal issues, including my very last one being theft. In February of 2016, I decided I wanted to be sober. I was willing to do anything to make a change. I left for a one year treatment facility in Memphis and gave it my all. My sobriety date is February 23, 2016. Without God, my family and working the program, none of this would have been possible. We do recover!