Clay County Stories

My sister was in and out of jail for seven or eight years and addicted to drugs for as long as I can remember. Because of her addiction, she lost custody of her children as well as other loved ones. When our mother died in May 2016, things became much worse for her. After her fourth parole violation not long after we buried our mom, she was incarcerated once again. She went from the county jail to women’s prison in Nashville. Our father passed away November 2017, and that is when she decided to enter into a rehabilitation facility to not only get sober but stay that way. I spent several months calling various places, having her be placed on waiting lists and waiting for just one bed to open. When she was released from prison November 2018, I drove her directly to the Doors of Hope in Murfreesboro. She has since graduated from the program, held a full-time job and visits with her children regularly. Our mother abused drugs for years because she didn’t know anything different. Even though she eventually succumbed to her addiction, I praise God for giving my sister the strength to stop using drugs and start living a healthier lifestyle.