Carroll County Stories

I started taking opiates over 20 years ago. Unfortunately, I fell in love with them after realizing I had never experienced a feeling like they gave me. Opiates were easily attainable. I could get them from my workplace, school and even my neighbors. You really could get drugs anywhere. Opioids are truly a painkiller. They killed off every bit of pain I had suppressed over the years, but the feeling was only temporary. I always thought I needed them so I wouldn't have to experience any pain. The more I took the less I thought about responsibility. That is until they completely took over my life. I couldn't do anything without them. I thought to myself “I don't have a problem. I have my whole life ahead of me.” I soon realized I was addicted when they led me into criminal activities and eventually prison. Yet, I still did not stop using them even after homelessness, incarceration and irresponsibility. It was my life, and it was a cycle I could not escape. I finally made a decision, after twenty years, that I wanted more out of life. I checked myself into rehab. That was the best decision I ever made.
Today, I am three years sober, and I am free from the chains of addiction. I still have consequences I have to deal with from my past and challenges from everyday life, but I embrace them and have learned how to deal with them. I am a Fitness Manager, a member of our County Anti-Drug Coalition, a college student majoring in Social Work and a productive member of my community. I have support from my family, friends and my community. I am always willing to share my story in hopes it will help someone in a similar situation. If I can do it, they can too!