Cannon County Stories

Toward the end of my military career I was prescribed opioids for an injury I received while serving stateside. I took my medication and continued to serve. However, after some time I noticed I started to need the medication more and more. After some time passed, they stopped prescribing the medication. That didn't mean my need for the meds stopped. I started to feel mentally and physically dependent on the opioids. After more time passed, I regretfully started to purchase them illegally on the streets. Before long, it was harder and harder to find these pills on the streets. Eventually I found other illicit substances to fill that void.
My drug use led me to lose my house and my daughter who was placed in foster care because of my selfish need for these drugs. I hit rock bottom. I spent all my money on drugs and was left with nothing. I eventually knew I had to change. I volunteered for a drug court program and went to rehab. After I cleaned myself up, which wasn’t easy, I finally got my daughter out of the foster care system. I now have full custody of her, and she is everything to me. I am here today because of the love and support from my family and various treatment centers. I am so grateful I have my daughter with me and that I am doing better. I know though the issue of opioids is still affecting others just like it did me and my family. I hope one day we can come together to solve this destructive problem. My name is Thane. I am a recovering addict and a true believer that if we come together we can solve the opioid crisis.